DNA Expert Witness

We are amongst the top-notch DNA experts who offer unrivalled expertise garnered from decades of experience working both within prosecution forensic service providers and providing forensic services to the defence. This expertise can be used on your behalf to provide a fresh perspective on the scientific findings in your client’s case, highlighting both the strengths and limitations of the biological evidence so you can tailor your case strategy with a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead.


We have a world-class team of forensic scientists working in cutting-edge facilities. All forensic work is done to the most excellent quality standards, which is especially critical when working with DNA evidence in the most effective manner.

Modern DNA techniques can provide strong evidence of the origin of biological material. With this DNA work as a basis, additional levels of analysis can speak to the difficulties of transfer and persistence, both of DNA and specific body fluids. When this information is paired with other techniques such as blood pattern analysis and damage analysis, it is possible to answer higher-level questions about what activities that individual may have been involved in.

We Focused to Deliver Result – Driven Outcomes

With the power of current techniques and the frequently compelling tools, we ensure that the forensic science report we provide is correct, balanced, and contextually well informed whenever presented in court.

We believe that biological data should be scrutinised and, if required, disputed on various levels to give an active defence. While current DNA procedures are tightly regulated and supervised, their interpretation is frequently tricky and nuanced. These must be thoroughly reviewed by qualified scientists who fully comprehend the intricacies and difficulties.

What Makes Us Best?

1.  Years of Experience

Our unrivalled expertise is garnered from decades of experience working both within prosecution forensic service providers and providing forensic services to the defence. This expertise can be used on your behalf to provide a fresh perspective on the scientific findings in your client’s case, highlighting both the strengths and limitations of the biological evidence so you can tailor your case strategy with a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead.

2.  End to End Support

All defence work is overseen by Casework Managers who provide end-to-end support and efficiency. Direct access to our team of scientists assists barristers and solicitors in developing a more effective defence strategy, and all expert witness reports are thoroughly documented and peer-reviewed.

3.  Variation Services

Our panel of specialists has worked in various fields, including forensics, medicine, clinical care, and health and social care. We offer a low-cost nationwide expert witness service for all forensic and medical specialities, with input from well-known independent specialists.

4.  High Quality

We give high-quality, low-cost DNA expert witness reports in all areas of forensic science, forensic medicine, psychiatry, psychology, and other medical specialities. We make sure nothing is left in providing the accurate reporting of the case we came across.